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We are delighted that you are considering our school for your child's education.

If you are looking for an in-year place for your child, parents will need to apply directly to the school. Please see application form below.

Hormead School has a well-deserved reputation for developing well-rounded, happy children. Each child is given every opportunity to realise their potential through academic achievement, building their confidence and developing their character.

The best way of seeing if we are the right school for your child is to come and visit. Every day is an open day for us at Hormead School. Please call us or email the office to make an appointment and we will be delighted to show you and your child around.

Some comments from our latest OFSTED Inspection 2024

“Hormead is a happy, warm and welcoming school set in the countryside with magnificent views.” 

 “Leaders have carefully considered how to organise a curriculum to include two-year-olds.”

“The school ensures that reading is a top priority. A love of reading permeates the school community.”

“Pupils behave well across the whole school. Staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour.”

 “Pupils actively participate in school life and are well prepared for life in modern Britain.”

Visit our school

Every day is an open day at our school - simply give the school a ring to find a time that suits you.

Please go to our Open Days page.

Our Open Days are a great opportunity to get a sense of our school community and the happy environment our children learn in. To book a visit, please contact the school office email: or telephone 01763 289201.

Entry to Pre-school and Nursery

Please see the section on our website for Nursery and Preschool. To apply for a place you will need to complete a register of interest form. Alternatively, pop in and pick one up from the school office. Once you have registered your child, they will be invited to join us for two free induction visits.

Entry to Reception September 2025

Applications for a place in reception can be made between 1 September and 15 January. You should apply online through the local authority at Hertfordshire School Admissions.

In-year entry for Reception through to Year 4

If you are moving schools within the school year, or have just moved to the local area, please contact us directly to check if we have spaces available in the year group you require. Hormead School runs their own admissions for in-year places.

When will you be told about your school place offer for Reception

School offer notifications will be sent by the local authority during April, and will inform parents/carers of the outcome of their application and which school their child has been placed at.